For Repositories: Data, Metadata, and Landing Pages
A Data Citation Workflow
Data citations and the landing pages of data repository interact to facilitate access to data. A data citation, following the principles outlined above, will lead you straight to a dataset's landing page, from where you can access the data. The repository landing page, in turn, provides you with all the information—metadata— that you need to create a citation, both in human-readable and in machine-readable form, so that software like reference managers can access it.

Guidelines for Landing Pages
A comprehensive discussion of elements and best practices for a data landing pages can be found in Starr et al. (2015). We also provide an FAQ for data repositories on our working group's page at Force11.
Repository Landing Page Examples
This table describes the landing page for two datasets in two repositories, Harvard Dataverse and Dryad. Both landing pages are also annotated via the annotation client and we link to the relevant annotated section of the page from the table.
Element | Vrana et al. 2015—Dryad | Dryad Tag | Cranmer et al. 2016—Dataverse | Dataverse Tag |
Title | Raw fMRI data of controls and patients | Title | Replication Data for: Navigating the Range of Statistical Tools for Inferential Network Analysis | Title |
Description | Raw fMRI data of 14 healthy controls (HC) and 15 chronic low back pain patients (CLBP). Subject had to perform a motor imagery (MI) task during scanning session. | Description | The last decade has seen substantial advances in statistical techniques for the analysis of network data, and a major increase in the frequency with which these tools are used... | Description |
Dataset identifier | | DOI | doi:10.7910/DVN/2XP8YF | Dataset Persistent ID |
Creator | Vrana, Andrea | | "Cranmer, Skyler (The Ohio State University) Leifeld, Philip (University of Glasgow) McClurg, Scott (Southern Illinois University) Rolfe, Meredith (UMass Amherst) " | Author |